Wood_Wall by Citterio: the Italian partition wall
Wood_Wall by Citterio is an architectural wall system where wood is the primary and distinguishing feature. It is not simply a product, nor it is just a partitioning system made with materials that are different from those ordinarily used. Wood_Wall is the synthesis of a new approach through which Citterio proposes a different way of setting up the working environment, it is the expression of a process of rediscovery of natural materials and their essence.
The company’s attention to materials reflects their need for authenticity, far beyond any simulated finishes and colours that obtainable today. Citterio started a renewed research on the materials of each structural element, highlighting their real individual temperatures, their colours and different fragrances, using modern industrial technologies to prevent counterfeiting. Returning to wood finishes was not inspired by nostalgic attachment to craftsmanship: everything is animated by criteria of modernity and attention to quality. Still, craftsmanship is a source of inspiration that, over time, has handed down attention to materials and their specificity. Today, ancient techniques give way to modern technology.
Laminated wood and plywood replace solid wood, improving the mechanical performance of each element. CNC milling machines shape and drill, overcoming the limits of manual chisels and planers. Wood is enhanced through new interpretations. This careful research generates a new approach to the designing process, bringing architecture and industrial design to welcome stimulating challenges and authentic sensations inspired by the true nature of materials.